Friday, February 15, 2008


In the contracting business, oftentimes we are only as good as our subcontractors. It's hard to find the good ones because they are always in demand. The trick to keeping the good ones around and getting them on your team is to pay them on time, and treat them fairly. I've got a true story that happened to me just today. One of my best contractors is a landscaping company called Maldanado's Scenic Landscaping located in Boerne, TX. These guys are super professional, service-driven and do exactly what they say. Anyways, this is a family-run business and Jesse and Josh Maldanado are brothers who plan, estimate and execute the jobs for the company. Over time, I have seen these guys operate and we have become well-acquainted with each other and developed a friendship. One of the first things I noticed about these brothers is they had the coolest sunglasses. They wear an Oakley brand called Gascans (I know don't laugh) and I told Jesse months ago that I was going to get me a pair. They offer the sunglasses in regular and polarized. The polarized pair is twice as much, so I opted for the cheaper pair since I had a gift card to Bass Pro Shop and the difference wouldn't be so bad. Short story long I had the toughest time buying these things. First, they only had a display pair and wouldn't part with them, the second time I tried months later their gift server was down and they couldn't process my gift card. I told Jesse about my frustrations and didn't think twice about it. Fast forward to today, Jesse and I were sitting back admiring his recently completed job for one of my clients and he said, come over here to my truck I got something for you. So I go over there and he hands me a box with a bow on it. Lo and behold I open it up and they are a polarized pair of Oakley Gascans! I was so fired-up I put them on and gave him a big hug. He told me that he appreciated our business and said all kinds of nice things about our company. There is one quote I want to leave you with that I have said for a long time- leadership without relationship equals rebellion. I use that with my kids, and the business relationships that I have. If you are in the position of influence and you have no relationship with that person, then you can get people to do what you want, but ultimately they won't respect you. Here's hoping that you lead with a respectful hand.

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