Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Builder

When interviewing builders to potentially build your dream home, these are some of the more important questions that can be asked:
  1. How long have you been in business?
  2. How many homes do you build in a year?
  3. What is your average price point of home that you normally build?
  4. How stable are you financially?
  5. Have you ever, or are you currently involved in any legal disputes?
  6. What is your ratio of projects to project managers that you average?
  7. What lien prevention measures do you have in place?
  8. What kinds of warranties are offered with your home?
  9. What kind of post-build documentation do you provide to me that was gathered throughout the build process?
  10. Can I get a list of past clients that have built with you in the last 6 months to speak with?