Having photographed interior walls is worth its weight in Gold |
I place such a high value on this task because it can really help you out of a jamb later on during the construction process. It's also great for record keeping in case you ever need to get behind walls. This is an actual photograph of one wall section in a home I recently photographed. I usually average about 30-50 pictures and I upload them to our clients project portal so they always have access as well. When you build a wall, there are things like electrical, plumbing, HVAC lines, low volt and in this case a pest control system as well. When you insulate and cover the walls with sheetrock, unless you have the best memory in the world there is a good chance you will be flying blind and cause unnecessary aggravation and expense digging and search for things. I used to really take my time almost like a professional photographer, but over the years I've gotten it down to where this task takes about 10 minutes.
If you are in the middle of a construction project or have any walls exposed in your future, I highly recommend this simple step. You'll be surprised how much you refer back to it.
Now let's go build something.