For the San Antonio 2010 Parade of Homes this year, we are doing some really interesting elements that we hope will spark creativity and forward-thinking for your design ideas. This year, we are actually using stucco, various kinds of rock and wood. Now stucco and rock you may see everyday, but wood you don't. It's kind of a retro feature that we added as a subtle element on a bottom right section of the home, and the top left. Once stained, we hope to create a feeling of warmth that feels inviting as you walk in the front door. We have some really cool tricks up our sleeve as you walk in, but you'll have to come see for yourself starting September 4th. The other thing I want you to notice is you can add
quoines to any kind of rock pattern. Quoines are different types of stone that flank the 90 degree corners of the exterior of a home. We try to make them subtle so that it doesn't scream at you, but it is a very elegant look that you can add with a little creativity and help from a mason. Can't wait to see everyone at this year's Parade.