Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well this week was good because we got all the folks back in the office from vacation safe and rejuvenated to take on the new year. I commented to one of the girls in the office that it wouldn't be so bad coming back to work if we could wear pajamas till noon like I was doing at home over the Holidays. You could tell though that after a day we all hit our rhythm and got rocking again on the business front. We started off our weekly meeting going through various things and came to agreement on certain housing goals we wanted to hit for the first quarter. This brings me to the point I'd like to make; planning can be huge if met with a good dose of desire. It defines, clarifies and gives motion to your daily walk. My wife and I spent New Years Eve going to a movie and were actually about an hour early. She grabbed some wine and I ordered a beer and we talked about our New Years Resolutions for our family. We divided them up into personal, financial, family, Spiritual and physical health. We wrote them down on the back of a receipt and folded-it up and put it away with our other resolutions from years past. Some we keep and some we fall short on but the point is we try to give ourselves specific direction for the near future. We do the same thing in the office and I am so glad for that. I wish the same for you.

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